Here are some ways to stay safe during the COVID-19 pandemic.
These are unprecedented times with a significant amount of change from our everyday lives. We should choose to try our best in this situation. Minimizing contact with others is the best way to reduce the spread of the virus. The fewer people who get sick, the fewer who will need to be hospitalized, and the quicker we can flatten the curve.
Stay Informed
With new information surrounding the COVID-19 outbreak, new stories and information are developing every day. Therefore, it’s more important now than ever to prepare and stay informed. The only thing that spreads faster is misinformation, so take a look below to learn how you can take preventative measures to keep your family and loved ones safe and healthy.
If You Must Leave Your Home
To try to limit your exposure, consider ordering curbside pickup or delivery services instead. If you can’t do that – If at all possible, try to designate one person at a time to do the errands. It is also recommended to put on a mask whenever you have to go out in public to protect yourself as well as others. If you don’t have the recommended N-95 mask, try using a scarf or a bandana. If you’re headed to the grocery store, try not to not panic buy. Instead, put together a grocery list together by isle so you can minimize the time inside.
Stick to your grocery list as well. Always bring with you hand sanitizer or disinfectant wipes and gloves so that if you have to use a cart, you can disinfect the handle and other surfaces others may touch. Instead of using reusable shopping bags, use disposable ones, and when you come home from the grocery store, wipe down all of the surfaces of the items you just bought.
Practice Proper Hygiene
This one goes without saying, but practicing proper hygiene in a time like this will help to keep you and your family safe. Washing your hands for at least 20 seconds and avoid touching your face after bringing your food or groceries inside. Always rinse your produce with water before you consume it to help remove dirt and pesticides, or if anyone else touched it in the grocery store. If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
If you can, clean and disinfect household surfaces daily and high-touch surfaces frequently throughout the day. High-touch surfaces include phones, remote controls, counters, tables, doorknobs, bathroom fixtures, toilets, keyboards, and laptops.
Social Distancing
6 feet! Did we mention social distancing yet? Social distancing means having less contact between you and the people around you. It can be practiced at home, at work, and while out in the community if you’re exercising. Try to practice keeping 6 feet away from those that aren’t in quarantine with you when you’re going on walks with your family, in line at the grocery store, and picking up to-go food. If you need to keep more distance between you and someone else while on a walk or reaching for an item at the store, take a step back and wait or politely ask the person to give you more clearance to make the experience for both of you less stressful.
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